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Green Living

Buy Green

  • Buy local produce from Orange County Farmers’ Markets.  Visit OC Agricultural Commissioner or OC Farm Bureau to find farmers' markets in your area. 
  • To reduce the amount of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) generated, purchase environmentally friendly household products.
  • Divert waste from landfills.  Purchase items that are either made from recycled materials or that can be recycled after use. 
  • When “shopping green” be aware of the validity of green advertising by looking for specific information or trusted certifications.  Familiarize yourself with “green” terms to confidently compare different products.


  • Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) are the leftover household products that have toxic or reactive ingredients and improper methods of disposal can be harmful.  Find out more information on local collection sites and a list of disposable items.
  • Used motor oil can be recycled into re-refined motor oil and reutilized thereby mitigating the threat of contamination to the soil, groundwater, or other water sources. Take your used oil to one of the many CalRecycle Certified Used Oil Collection Centers throughout Orange County.
  • Disposable and rechargeable batteries are considered hazardous waste because of the metals and toxic materials within them.  Find a battery and cellphone recycling facility
  • Find out more about what is banned from the trash.

Green Gardening:

  • Participate in the Turf Removal Program. Applicants receive an incentive of $1.00 per square foot of turf removed for qualifying projects. 
  • Composting, the natural process of decomposing organic material, is a better alternative to commercial fertilizers.
  • Find more gardening tips on landscaping and grasscycling.

Waste Reduction:

  • To avoid creating unnecessary trash, use a cloth shopping bag when buying food at the grocery store.
  • When making purchases, buy in bulk or in concentrated form when possible.  One-third (1/3) of all garbage we generate is solely from packaging.
  • To conserve energy and costs, turn your water heater down from 140F to 120F. 
  • Find out about more waste reduction tips.

Drive Less:

Conserve Electricity:

  • Standby power is energy used by electronics and appliances that are turned off but still plugged in.  To eliminate standby power, utilize a power strip to turn off the power.
  • Enroll in Save Power Day Incentive Alerts.  By reducing your energy usage from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on select days up to 12 times per year, you can earn bill credits.
  • Find complete Southern California Edison tips on conserving energy.

Save Water:

  • Save 20 gallons of water each day by becoming an O.C. Water Hero and watch a video on the Top Ten Tips for saving water which includes information on best indoor and outdoor practices.
  • Become water smart, schedule a free water use site survey with the Irvine Ranch Water District.
  • Take advantage of incentive programs to assist in reducing the amount of water you use. 
  • 30% of water consumed in the U.S. is devoted to outdoor uses.  Choose climate-appropriate, drought-tolerant, and native/adapted plant species to save water and make your landscape a Greenscape.

More Resources: