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Land Use Planning

Welcome to Land Use Planning. We will provide you with a single point of contact while your Discretionary (Planning) Application is in this phase of the process. Should you have any questions, please contact your assigned Planner or call us at our Customer Service line 714-667-8888.

Standard Conditions of Approval

The goal of this division is to work with the residents and developers in a collaborative manner to facilitate and enhance the future development of unincorporated Orange County, while balancing those needs of the communities with the regulations established to preserve the highest standard of living.

This division is responsible for the timely and efficient processing of development project submittals while ensuring consistency with all Planning, Zoning and Environmental regulations specific to the area and type of development. We are committed to providing an open line of communication between OC Community Development and our clients in order to keep project submittals moving forward.

We serve the general public, applicants, and other County Departments in an efficient and fair manner to ensure consistency with our general plan, zoning and land use requirements mandated by local ordinances, State and Federal law.

This division is responsible for processing Discretionary Permit Applications for land use entitlements including but not limited to Site Development permits, Use permits, Coastal Development permits, Variances. This also includes the environmental review (California Environmental Quality Act - CEQA) and documentation associated with the project proposal.

Advance Planning

The Advance Planning section maintains the County of Orange General Plan, Orange County Zoning Code and Specific Plans for the unincorporated area. This section also supports regional planning efforts and liaisons with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG). On behalf of the County, this sections acts as the State Data Center Affiliate for the California Department of Finance (DOF). The State Data Center Affiliate maintains Census demographic data (population, housing and employment) for the unincorporated area and provides this information to members of the public and other governmental agencies.