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General Plan

The County of Orange is required by State law to have a legally adequate General Plan (Cal. Code § 65300 et seq.), which primarily addresses unincorporated territory, yet affects the entire county. As part of its General Plan, the County must include the following seven elements: 1) Land Use; 2) Circulation; 3) Housing; 4) Conservation; 5) Open Space; 6) Noise; and 7) Safety. The County's General Plan also includes two optional elements: Public Services and Facilities, and Growth Management.

General Plan Land Use Element Map - 2015 picture_as_pdf A map of Orange County displaying the current land use.

The County of Orange General Plan consists of an introductory chapter, a demographics chapter, and nine elements: Land Use, Transportation, Public Services and Facilities, Resources, Recreation, Noise, Safety, Housing, and Growth Management.


If there are any questions regarding the details of a document, or to obtain a hard copy or other alternative formats of the original document, or to have a document read to you, please contact the OC Public Works offices, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. PST, at 601 N Ross St, Santa Ana, CA, 92701, by email at or by phone at phone  (714) 667-8888.

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