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PA180034 / VTTM 18119 – Ranch Hills Planned Development

The Planning Commission's May 10th approval of this project has been appealed to the Board of Supervisors. The Board is currently scheduled to consider the appeal at its meeting on September 12, 2023, with the hearing set for a time certain at 11:00 a.m. or as soon as possible after that. The Board's agenda and all materials  regarding this matter will be posted at approximately one week before the hearing (check the September 12 Agenda and Revisions-Supplemental Agenda regularly, the item number has not been set yet.)

PA180034 - Staff Report to Planning Commission

Staff report attachments

1.  Recommended Findings

2.  Recommended Conditions of Approval

3.  CEQA Documents

      a.  Draft EIR No. 635

      b.  Draft EIR No. 635 Appendices A - N

      c.  Proposed FEIR No. 635 (with Comments and Response for Comments)

4.  NTAC Minutes (with FCA letter attached)

5.  Cover letter and Deed Covenant running with the Land

6.  Project (Planned Development Plan)

7.  Typical Elevations 

8.  Floor Plans

9.  VTTM 18119 (for information only, not part of planning application)

Written comments regarding the Project should be submitted no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, May 8, 2023, to ensure pre-hearing distribution to Planning Commissioners.  Comments may be submitted by mail or by email, using the contact information below.  If written comments are to be submitted in person at the hearing, 10 copies should be submitted.


Kevin Canning

OC Development Services | Planning
601 N. Ross St., P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4048
phone (714) 667-8847    email