The proposed Fairlynn Townhomes Project (proposed Project or Project) would allow for the demolition of existing on‐site retail uses and the construction of a multi‐family residential development, to allow for implementation of the proposed Project, three existing multi‐tenant buildings, totaling approximately 19,250 sf, located within the Esperanza Village neighborhood retail center at 6821 Fairlynn Boulevard in unincorporated Orange County would be demolished. The existing surface parking lot, landscaped islands, and security lighting associated with the commercial development would be removed. The proposed Project would construct a residential community consisting of 44, three‐story multi‐family townhomes clustered in eight buildings. The proposed Project requires approval of a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM 19161), a Use Permit, and adoption of the Initial Study leading to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (No. PA 21‐0111).
PA21-0111 Staff Report to Planning Commission
Attachment 1 - Recommended Findings
Attachment 2 - Recommended Conditions of Approval
Attachment 3 - Final IS/MND
Appendices A - I
Attachment 4 - Technical Site Plan
Attachment 5 - Architectural Elevations and Floorplans
Attachment 6 - Fairlynn Village Concept and Open Space Plan
Attachment 7 - Site Photos
Attachment 8 - VTTM 19131 (for information only)
Public review of Draft IS/MND
Written comments regarding the Project should be submitted no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, November 6, 2023, to ensure pre-hearing distribution to Planning Commissioners. Comments may be submitted by mail or by email, using the contact information below. If written comments are to be submitted in person at the hearing, 10 copies should be submitted. Email comments should be sent to
Kevin Canning
OC Development Services | Planning
601 N. Ross St., P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4048
phone (714) 667-8847 email