A request for a Use Permit to establish a place of worship (temple) and educational facility and a Variance to permit a place of worship on a building site of less than 40,000 square feet.
Project location: 18802 East 17th Street
Planning Commission Hearing on PA21-0055 (March 9, 2022)
Att 3 - Applicant's Letter of Explanation
Att 4 - Negative Declaration PA21-0055 - CEQA Initial Study
- Att 4A - Appendix A - Air Quality and Green House Emissions Analysis
- Att 4B - Appendix B - Vehicle Miles Traveled Analysis
- Att 4C - Notice of Intent
Att 7 - Site Photos
Att 8 - Project Plans
Planning Commission hearing items may also be found at:
Kevin Canning
OC Development Services | Planning
601 N. Ross St., Santa Ana, CA 92701-4048
(714) 667-8847 Kevin.Canning@ocpw.ocgov.com