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EIR 589 Technical Appendices


A-1  Notice of Preparation and Comments 
A-2  Revised Notice of Preparation and Comments 
B  Geotechnical Studies 
C-1  Hydrologic Comparison of Baseline & Alternative Land Use Conditions for the San Juan and San Mateo Watersheds 
C-2  Conceptual Water Quality Management Plan 
C-3a  Hydrologic Report to the Baseline Hydrologic Conditions San Juan and Upper San Mateo Watersheds 
C-3b  Hydrologic Report to the Baseline Hydrologic Conditions San Mateo Creek (La Paz / Gabino / Cristianitos) 
C-3c  Hydrologic Report to the Baseline Hydrologic Conditions Trampas Canyon 
C-3d  Hydrologic Report to the Baseline Hydrologic Conditions Canada Gobernadora 
C-3e  Hydrologic Report to the Baseline Hydrologic Conditions Canada Chiquita 
C-3f  Detailed Detention Basin Analysis 
C-4  Geomorphic Factors Affecting Sediment Generation and Transport Under Pre- and Post- Urbanization Conditions in the San Juan and San Mateo Watersheds 
D-1  Traffic Report 
D-2  Traffic/Circulation Improvement Mitigation Measures 
E  Air Quality Report 
F  Noise Assessment 
G-1a  Jurisdictional Delineation of Areas Subject to the Jurisdiction of the California Department of Fish and Game 
G-1b  Jurisdictional Delineation of Areas Subject to the Jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
G-2  Draft Southern NCCP/HCP Planning Guidelines 
G-3  Draft Watershed and Sub-Basin Planning Principles 
G-4  Relationship of the Proposed Project Jurisdictional Delineation to the Landscape Level Databases 
G-5  Southern NCCP/HCP Planning Guidelines Consistency Findings
G-6  Watershed and Sub-Basin Planning Principles Consistency Findings 
G-7  Elements of the Adaptive Management Program for the RMV Open Space Program that Contribute to Maintaining and Enhancing Long Term Net Habitat Value 
G-8  Baseline Geomorphic and Hydrologic Conditions for Portions of the San Juan and Western San Mateo Watersheds 
G-9  Geomorphic and Hydrologic Needs of Aquatic and Riparian Endangered Species. San Juan and Western San Mateo Watersheds 
H  Cultural Resources 
I  Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, Planning Areas 1-9 
J  Adaptive Management Program 
J-1  Plant Species Translocation, Propagation and Management Plan 
J-2  Habitat Restoration Plan 
J-3  Invasive Species Control Plan 
J-4  RMV Grazing Management Plan 
J-5  Wildland Fire Management Plan 
K  Water Supply Assessment 
L  Santa Margarita Water District Plan of Works for Improvement Districts 4C, 4E, 5 & 6 
M  Biological Resources Alternatives Analysis