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Neighborhood Preservation


Neighborhood Preservation (also known as Code Enforcement) is entrusted with protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents and business owners in Orange County’s unincorporated communities through community involvement, education and regulation. Through consistent code enforcement effort in promoting and maintaining compliance with the County’s Codified Ordinances, quality of life and public safety are both preserved and enhanced, and the lives of our community members are safeguarded.

Community Involvement

Community outreach and involvement with the stakeholders of the County of Orange (our residents and business owners) is critical in our efforts to maintain clean, healthy and safe neighborhoods in the unincorporated communities within Orange County. In developing relationships with and working alongside our stakeholder, a true community approach towards preserving our neighborhoods can be achieved.

As part of that commitment to community involvement, Neighborhood  Preservation partners with OC Waste & Recycling to host Community Clean-Up events throughout the year. These very popular service events provide the opportunity for residents to dispose of household and yard waste free of charge, with volunteers from the County working side-by-side with residents to assist with the disposal efforts of designated drop-bin locations throughout the communities involved with these events. At these events, staff also makes available informational materials about Neighborhood  Preservation efforts and County resources available to our stakeholder. Our current list for Community Clean-Up Events (dates and locations subject to change):

Community Clean-Up Events

 * Upcoming event will be posted here.

Community Meetings

Neighborhood Preservation also participates in local community meetings in an effort to both educate and work with stakeholders so that they better understand the County's Codified Ordinances and maintain a community free of violations that could otherwise result in public health and safety issues, and/or diminished property values. Efforts to further develop outreach programs designed to assist residents in preserving their communities are always ongoing.  If your community would like to setup or have us attend an already scheduled meeting, please contact us at (714) 667-8853.

Neighborhood Preservation Team

Unincorporated Islands: All

Cameron Engelhart(714)
Christian Hensley(714)
Cora Villegas(714)
Erica Carlos(714)
Miriam Donaldson (714)  


For assistance, please contact us at (866) 552-8120 or visit our online customer service portal at