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Pre-Approved Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Plans

Pre-Approved ADU Plans

The Pre-Approved ADU Plans Program encourages the construction of new, detached ADUs by offering property owners a selection of Pre-Approved ADU building plans. While some site-specific design work is required, these pre-approved plans aim to help property owners reduce pre-construction costs and improve permit approval efficiency.

Applicants that use a Pre-Approved ADU plan set must submit a complete package through the County’s online portal MyOCService for review and approval. Click here for application guide. 

A complete package must include: 

Click here to access the County’s guide detailing the requirements for developing an ADU. 

Below are the six (6) Pre-Approved ADU Plan set floorplans available for download. 

Studio: 393 Sqft



One-bedroom (1ba): 558 Sqft



Two-bedroom (1ba): 748 Sqft



Two-bedroom (2ba): 800 Sqft



Three-bedroom (2ba): 972 Sqft


Three-bedroom (2ba): 1,200 Sqft
