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Subdivision Committee

email Subscribe to Subdivision Committee Agenda & Meeting Information E-mail Updates

Subdivision Committee hearings/meetings are scheduled to be held at query_builder 1:30 p.m. on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Wednesdays of each month at County Administration South (Multipurpose Rooms 103 and 105) unless otherwise notified.

place601 N. Ross Street Santa Ana, CA 92701

Any questions on attending a meeting please contact Marissa Leahy at or call phone (714) 667-9658.


Meeting DateAgenda/Items/CancellationsMinutes
April 2, 2025Cancellation Notice 04.02.2025 
March 19, 2025Cancellation Notice 03.19.2025 
March 5, 2025Cancellation Notice 03.05.2025 
February 19, 2025Cancellation Notice 02.19.2025 
February 5, 2025Cancellation Notice 02.05.2025 
January 15, 2025 
January 1, 2025No meeting due to County Offices holiday closure.